Wellness Myths

Thanksgiving Survival Guide

Season 2 Episode 33

It’s Thanksgiving week!!! The kickoff to the holiday season can be fun, filled with joy, and also steeped in DIET CULTURE.

The girls are here to debunk every old Thanksgiving myth- does turkey REALLY make you tired? Are our tried and true favorite dishes ruining our health? How do we prepare for a big meal like this?

Expect advice on how to deal with unwanted body comments, the hidden benefits of stuffing, and how to combat post-feast drowsiness, food guilt, + digestion.

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Hey, ma'am so it's Thanksgiving week and I'm really excited about that, but what I really want to face right now, like the biggest smile love Thanksgiving. I think it's the most underrated holiday. It's so much fun. There's so much good food. And the expectations are a lot lower. I feel like there's just less pressure in general. Yeah, I would agree with you there then. Like Chris it's like almost the calm before the storm. Even though when I was at the grocery store this morning, it was not call. Oh, my God, the grocery store feels apocalyptic right now. Like people get so wild before holidays. And I think we were talking about this earlier this week, even like last week at the end of the week, people were getting really wild and I don't understand why people are buying things that soon because when they go, like, if you're buying something on Friday for Thanksgiving dinner on Thursday, I feel like that's not going to be the freshest anymore. Completely Matt told me he wanted to get the green beans for green bean casserole on Monday. And I was like, I mean, Thanksgiving is Thursday. Like, why don't we get it Wednesday when there's going to be actual, like super fresh, like crisp beans available. Right. Very anxious. Thank you, Craig. Craig had to deliver me some water. Cause I was sitting here in our closet just feeling very thirsty. He's still behind you. Oh, you can't hear me. Sorry, everyone for that interruption, so Matt's very excited for his green bean casserole. He's like itching, like scratching at the bed to just like, get those green beans. Yeah. He loves them. This is going to be the perfect episode. He's probably thrilled to edit this because he's going to learn all about green bean casserole and much, much more about the facts of foods for Thanksgiving and a whole lot of other fun facts about Thanksgiving foods. Welcome to wellness. MIS today is our Thanksgiving episode. So we're going to be talking all about Thanksgiving dishes and. Just all kinds of things that come with Thanksgiving dinner, some pleasant, some not so pleasant. And hopefully we can give you some tools on how to combat the not so pleasant things. What's your favorite Thanksgiving dish? Okay. So I was thinking about this earlier today, because I was going to ask you about this. And mine has to be creamed corn. We make like, it has a ton of coconut milk and coconut oil lots of corn meal and whole kernels of corn. And I make it every year. Without fail so that the people that I celebrate Thanksgiving with my friends in Portland, literally put corn dish on the Thanksgiving spreadsheet. And we're like, Emily, like, write your name there because everybody loves it so much. And so that's definitely one of my favorite ones. What about you? You're going to have to make that for me, because I mean, corn is okay, but I can't say I'm ever like really excited about something that's mainly corn. Yeah. It's like, it's the cream part that takes it to the next level. yeah. I mean, anytime you're putting cream in something, I mean, it's just kind of like a fail safe. yeah. Hell yeah. There's there's also creamed spinach, another fabulous option. Not really for Thanksgiving, but I do like cream spinach. I'm definitely stuffing. I mean, I love pretty much all Thanksgiving foods, but I feel like stuffing is something that you don't have any other time, which is kind of weird because you could make stuffing any time. It's not like it's seasonal. But the only time I have it is on Thanksgiving and. Well, I just had to interject after that because I thought the same thing earlier, like I was thinking about how food can feel kind of scarce on Thanksgiving. Like you're either like nervous. You're not going to get enough of what you like, or you're nervous. You're not going to make enough. And it can kind of make you feel a little anxious about eating. And I was just, one of my tips was really that, like, you can always make more of the food, like you could make stuffing on the day after Thanksgiving if you wanted. And I think it's really funny that we just don't even think about that. Like, it doesn't have to just be today. Yeah, definitely. Like you can eat it any day you want. And it's funny because it's similar with all principles of intuitive eating, like the day after Thanksgiving, if you were able to like, get a full serving of stuffing, you probably are not like as desperate in the next day, but it's really good to just assure ourselves and know that we have the option. You can make stuffing. So, I mean, definitely keep the mindset of you can make it any day. And of course, you know, there might be some dishes that are nostalgic or maybe that a family member makes that you do only have once a year. And you know, you really. The way that person prepares that dish and absolutely, you know, take advantage of those dishes on the day, or maybe ask them for the recipe so you can make it again. But yeah, there's no reason to feel that sense of scarcity and like you need to eat until you feel. Yeah, totally. And we're going to get way into that. A little bit further in our episode, but I want to talk about Thanksgiving foods first and we're going to share some fun facts. Vanessa. Also, do you want to start us off? Yeah. So I will start us off with I think the main, the star of the show for those who are not vegan Emily is obviously not going to talk about Turkey because she's vegan. But I'll talk about Turkey a little bit. And you know, I always feel like I hear people say they don't even like Turkey that much they're in it for the sides. And I would have to say, I feel kind of similar. But I still will have a little bit of Turkey. As a vegan, it's definitely a common thing to hear like, oh, well I don't even like the Turkey. So I'm with you, Emily. Everybody always says that. Who knows? They're just saying that to your face. yeah, I know. That's so true. They're just trying to like relate to me. I'm like, no, not the same, bro. So, Turkey's going to have lean protein. nice and B6 phosphorus. So it's pretty nutrient rich. And it also contains an essential amino acid called tryptofan. So a lot of people think of Turkey and making you sleepy. And tryptofan does promote good sleep and good mood. But if you feel super drowsy after your Thanksgiving meal, you can't blame the Turkey solely. So yes, it contains a little bit of trip to fan, but one serving of Turkey only has about 200 milligrams of tryptofan. And someone who was, you know, taking tryptofan therapeutically to promote sleep would take about five grams in order to do that successfully. So you'd have to eat. Of Turkey to, you know, get those full effects of the trip to fan. So if it's so, so that's like, what you're telling me is the biggest Thanksgiving myth is that Turkey makes you Excel. Yeah, it's a pretty big myth. I mean, you know, it might be contributing a little bit, but it's a myriad of things. So you're not wrong or making it up that you might feel drowsy after your dinner. But you can't just blame that Turkey. So, what is making you feel so drowsy? So, the combination of a pretty carb heavy meal eaten sometimes really quickly sometimes over it eating and sometimes saving that to be your only meal of the day is a reason why you're feeling so drowsy. So, you know, you have this super carb-heavy meal, you are sending your blood sugar super high, and then it's crashing, which can result in fatigue and drought. And we can't discount the fact either that Thanksgiving is in November. And if you live in, you know, a Northern region, it's usually pretty cold might be dark. It's kind of like that cozy season. So it's not unusual or weird to feel so sleepy. And there's a reason that you're feeling sleep. So, if you don't want to feel drowsy what should you do? There's a lot of different things you can do. And you know what I just want to say right here, if. Are fine. If you want to eat your meal and like taking a nap is what you want to do on Thanksgiving day have at it. It's one day. It's fine. You can do that. But if you hate that drowsy feeling some tips to combat that is number one, don't skip meals. Before you get to Thanksgiving dinner.

If you're going to eat at 5:

00 PM and that's going to be the first meal that you've eaten all day. I mean, you're not doing your body, any benefits by starving yourself the whole day, but I mean, that's a really intense blood sugar spike.

If you're not eating till 5:

00 PM slow down, eat slowly, savor all those foods that you like. Go for a walk after dinner. So exercise can help bring your blood sugar down. So you'll have, you know, a less intense crash. And if you're looking to not feel drowsy, maybe don't participate in the biggest bar night of the year, which we all know is the night before Thanksgiving. I personally have gotten to the point in my life where I've decided I'm giving that up. Obviously we couldn't do it last year in 2020, because of COVID. But, you know, this year I was thinking about that and I just have no interest. How do you feel about that? Oh, wow. Well, since I'm not home the night before Thanksgiving, like in my hometown, because I kind of set the precedent with my family that I don't come home for Thanksgiving because it's like social work. I just come home long time for Christmas, so it's not like that whole, oh my God. I'm with all my friends from back in the day and I'm going to go out and like, see people that's embarrassing for me to see and like a whole event. Like, I feel like it's meant to be, so I never really engaged in it, but. I'm surprised that y'all, aren't going to go out this year for that. Yeah, no, I'm just, I don't know. I've I think I've kind of lost interest in it. But I just think it's kind of funny too. Like if you're going out the night before Thanksgiving and staying out until 2:00 AM and consuming copious amounts of alcohol, don't come to me and be like, why am I so drowsy after Thanksgiving dinner? Like, I don't want to hear that. Yeah, that's just, you you've done that to yourself. Right. Right. So, if you're looking to, you know, Bright eyed and bushy tailed. You can just go ahead and skip over that, or maybe go out with your friends still just come home at a reasonable time and maybe, you know, keep the drinks to a minimum. The basic. So again, you can not blame Turkey solely for your drowsiness after your Thanksgiving meal. Again, it might contribute. But it's not the sole reason. If you are vegetarian or vegan and you're looking for a Turkey alternative can you tell us any good Turkey alternatives that you think. Yeah. So there's a ton of brands at the store that make little roasts, like field roast or guardian or the class. Fergie that everyone is familiar with. But I just want to say really aside from even just the brands, that if you're making a main dish for your Thanksgiving and you're not having Turkey make sure that it's something that has protein in it so many years, I see like roasted cauliflower, Turkey. And I'm like, no, that's not it. Like, you need something with protein in it. So you need something with Satan or tofu or 10 bit or beans. Sometimes my family will do like squash cups with rice and lentils in them. And so that's kind of like where we'll get the protein, but you just want to make sure that you have that key component at your meal if possible, to support your health and to help you feel full. And keep that blood sugar in check. And I mean, I love cauliflower as much as the next gal, but can we just stop making it things that it's not like cauliflower is cauliflower and it's great, but it's not a Turkey. The like, come on. Th it very surely is not, that's not. All right. So I'm, I want to talk about stuffing next, which as we already talked about is my personal favorite. It's often demonized because it's bread and people hate bread, and they just loved to talk about how bad bread is and listen, unless you're gluten free or you have a wheat intolerance or You're somehow allergic to something in bread. Like, I don't want to hear it. If you're telling me you don't like the taste of bread, I just don't believe you. You're lying. You're lying. I don't know You're you're straight up lying. So this was really interesting and I did not know this about stuffing but there's actually a really there's a really cool benefit to stuffing in general that comes from tearing the bread apart. So. You know, bread of course is rich in fiber. So depending on what brand you're using for the stuffing, it could have varying amounts of fiber. And then of course, B vitamins as well, which are great for. But the special thing about stuffing is there is an antioxidant called Pronto lysine, and it is activated by baking the bread and by tearing it apart Maura's produced, and this is an awesome antioxidant. It's has shown to prevent cancer. And I was just like, absolutely pumped to see you. Uh, stuffing actually has this like really cool individual characteristic about it. That makes it really good for you. That's super interesting. And I would never have known that otherwise. I'm so glad you Yeah. So the antioxidant two is eight times more abundant in the crust than it is in the crumb. So, something to think about, I mean, of course, if you don't like the crust on your bread for the stuff. Take it off if you don't like it, but if you leave it on, there's definitely a big benefit to that. And then my last food that I wanted to touch on before Emily gets to hers are brussel sprouts, which are another favorite for me. And I know, I don't know if everyone has Brussels sprouts on Thanksgiving. I think most people do. It's a Thanksgiving dish. Yeah, I feel like I never do, but I know I see recipes every year that float around for Thanksgiving Brussels. So I think it's. And I actually just saw a recipe that had, it was like a Brussels, it was brussel sprouts with a pomegranate glaze. I just knew you were going to say pomegranate, I knew you were going to say pomegranate, but I feel like, yes, I, for some reason I just knew that yeah. I also love pomegranates, but I mean, I feel like I've talked to you about this before Emily, and I don't know if you agree with me. There's like one second before pomegranates start taking tasting, like nail Polish remover and it's just, they have a short life. I love them, but it's dicey. Yeah, absolutely. Even if you like open up a little container of seeds, like from trader Joe's, you have like 30 minutes to eat them and Exactly. from there. They're just looking to go bad. But anyway, back to the brussel sprouts, so brussel sprouts are cruciferous veggies and they're a good source of fiber and potassium. Vitamin C vitamin a vitamin K full eight. So they're packed with nutrients and research shows that cruciferous veggies may help protect against cancer and cardiovascular disease and reduce oxidative stress brussel sprouts. In other cruciferous veggies also contained them. So that helps with estrogen metabolism. So especially if you're someone who has really heavy periods, or you might think that you have estrogen, excess brussel sprouts are a great dish to help out with that. That's so cool. That's another fact that I didn't know. Just filled with the fun facts. So before I even get into the foods that I want to talk about, I just want to have this general idea that Thanksgiving is filled with a bunch of really unhealthy, like heavy dishes that are just going to like, you know, really bring you down and ruin your health. Like, I feel like that's kind of the narrative when in reality, most Thanksgiving foods are centered around. Like green bean casserole, mashed potatoes, even stuffing usually has like some celery or carrot in it. And so I really just want that myth to go away and do not want anyone to let diet culture swindle you into thinking that Thanksgiving foods are inherently unhealthy for you. And I think it's really important to remember right now too, is that a lot of people think if we add other foods to veggies, like if we add a cream or fat to veggies, they're no longer held. And I just want you to remember the veggie is still the veggie. It still has all the nutrients that it did before. So if you eat your Brussels sprouts and you like them, you. know, covered in butter with Parmesan, cheese and bacon in them yes, you added significantly more fat to the brussel sprouts, but the brussel sprouts still have, you know, the excellent nutrition that they did when they were just. Totally. And also how about the fact that we need fat to absorb a lot of the vitamins found in these vegetables? So in fact, it's almost really important to at least have some fat in them. So speaking of fun facts regarding the preparation of food mashed potatoes. Okay. This is probably my second favorite dish, but that's mashed potatoes is just my second favorite dish constantly like on any day, not just Thanksgiving. So that's why I didn't really think about it. Mashed potatoes are a great source of vitamin C and potassium, but something that I don't think most people will know is that vitamin C specifically as a water soluble vitamin which means. That when you boil your potatoes, you're actually going to get a little bit of leaching of the vitamin C. So boiling a potato will inherently give it less vitamin C than if you were to say roast the potato. It doesn't mean there's absolutely no benefits to your potatoes anymore after you boil them. But I just think it's kind of like one of those facts that people don't really know regarding food prep. So I wanted to just throw that. I'm also, I'm going to ask you now. I'm curious, are you somebody who likes a peeled mashed potato, or do you like the skin in there? Oh appealed 100% because I remember growing up and we would get mashed potatoes from Applebee's and they always had the skin in them and I found it disgusting. So no, I'll never eat skin potatoes again. No, but I bet, I bet. I bet you like the skin a hundred percent, you know, I do, you know, Oh God you're discussing. No, I like mine. Peer white, mashed potatoes, sour cream, cream, cheese, anything like that? That's completely about my LA. Yup. And then shout out to green bean casserole, which I think is Matt's favorite dish. We like hyped it up in the beginning. Like it wasn't, I think it is grieving casserole, great source of vitamin K and C. It's a good source of fiber, right? Keeping your digestion regular on the day of Thanksgiving. And also a fun fact about green beans is one cup is a third of your daily, full, late needs, which if you're trying to. I see right now is really important. So if you're trying to get that Christmas baby make sure that you're eating your green beans because fully is really important. Nutrient for conception. And we talked a lot about blood sugar control and this episode, and I just want to touch also that a benefit of potatoes is that they contain resistant starch. The starch is not broken down to be fully absorbed by the body, and it becomes a source of nutrients for beneficial bacteria in your gut. This type of starch can improve blood sugar control. So that's another reason to make sure you're getting your mashed potatoes in. And I also just want to say. Someone who's team white potato versus team sweet potato And sweet potatoes. Obviously something that's consumed on on Thanksgiving a lot and sweet potato is great, but can we just not get it twisted? Sweet potatoes are not better for you. No people really like, I love, I love whatever PR team sweet potato has that literally like amps it up. Like you could make sweet, sweet potatoes with peanut butter and chocolate. I saw that today, which I was like, that's no, I don't want to do that. But anyways, and then it's like, at the same time, you're thinking, oh, it's just potatoes. It's a white food. It's so weak. It's literally really similar to each other. Yeah. I mean, really the only difference is that sweet potatoes going to have vitamins. Yep. Exactly. That orange color. yeah, so just every, all you sweet potato people, you just relax. Okay. Well, Yeah. You're not superior. Yeah. You're not superior just because you prefer your sweet potato, but right? Don't be looking down at other people's plates. absolutely not. And my last food is cranberry sauce. I have kind of mixed feelings about cranberry sauce. It's not like my favorite. I'm sure you don't like it. Cause it has like a tablespoon of sugar in it. Is that Yeah, but I do love cranberries themselves, which if you've had a raw cranberry, they're like very bitter. So they're right up my alley. Yeah, right up your alley. Yes. I like it in like a sangria. Okay. After it's been marinating for like two days. So cranberries are a great fall food and winter. There's four grams of fiber and one cup of cranberries, which is great. They're high in anthocyanins. And those are actually the compounds that give cranberries the dark red color and studies have shown the anthocyanins have anti-cancer anti-inflammatory effects. I also just wanted to touch on. The idea that cranberry juice can help with urinary tract health. And this is usually used as more of a preventative and what's in cranberry juice that helps with urinary tract health is an, a type pro Antho Sinai. PAC that can prevent bacteria, bacteria from sticking to the bladder wall. And they do make this in a supplement form. If you're not trying to like down a lot of cranberry juice all the time to read these benefits, you don't have to. But I just thought that was really interesting. And I think that's something important too, that, you know, for something like cranberries, if you are looking to cranberries to help, you know, prevent UTIs or something like that it is something that it can help, but it's more of a dose related effect. So like Emily said, they make some really good supplements. I mean, you would be having a lot of cranberry to get the effects that you're looking for. Totally. And at that point, I don't want to see anyone down in like 60 grams of sugar in juice, because they're convinced it's going to help with the UTS. And then of course I have just a few comments to leave you with. We've been kind of talking about the way you eat on Thanksgiving, this whole episode, and how to avoid overeat. And I just wanted to mention that just because there's, there's a lot of narrative floating around social media that doesn't really include the nuance about overeating. And we talk about like, oh, it's one day who cares, go crazy, eat whatever you want, you know? And that stuff is all very true. But I had a client a while ago and she would just talk about the pressure to ease. And she was like, basically, I'm on this journey where I'm trying not to restrict anymore. You know, I'm feeling good. It's not bothering me, but I'm feeling pressure because it's just this one day and it's a holiday that I have to binge. Like I didn't have a good Thanksgiving unless I was like flattened on the couch. Super full. And that might be true for you, maybe that is like your personal goal, but you definitely don't have to engage in. In foods with the goal to feel over full. You don't have to eat dessert just because it's a holiday. You can take a piece of pumpkin pie home, no big deal. So the pressure kind of goes both ways, right? To not eat too much, to maybe eat more than we want to. So just having grace for yourself, it's pretty normal to overindulge on a holiday or to have some anxious feelings about it. Whether it's food, whether it's alcohol So just giving yourself that grace, that you don't have to be perfect. And one day is not going to derail your entire health goals. Yeah, I think that's really, really important. You don't have to do anything just because people are saying you need to do it. So if someone is commenting like, oh, you don't have enough on your plate or something. I mean, like how much you're eating has nothing to do with them. So disregard all comments like that. And I also feel like we should normalize. I mean, I think most families are like having other family members take stuff home, but. I mean, you really should, especially if you don't have room for dessert or even if you do have room for dessert and our, you know, you're like, you really like it. You're going to want it later. I feel like there's always leftover desserts. And just ask if you can take some home, there's no reason you should like stuff yourself just because you're worried. You're never going to get it right. Absolutely. Yes, that's a great. And really about, you know, plate comments just don't do it. Like just, you don't need to mention what other people are eating. And, oh my God. As a vegan person, I just wish people would understand this luckily while not luckily, but due to my own Planning and intention. My celebration is usually just beacon food. But you know, it is really tough when you're eating in a way that's different for other, from other people around you to feel comfortable. And so someone has a different eating pattern or habit style than you. You can just leave them alone. It's totally easy. You just say nothing. You put your own food on your plate, you sit down and you talk about something else. I'm going to, I want to say something else. I'm like, literally I start to like rage. I'm like, thank God I have therapy in 20 minutes. Okay. Let me think about this. I want to say since, and in addition to plate comments, body comments, I mean, that can really go sideways. Yeah. And I think, especially with, you know, last year being a pandemic and well, it's still a pandemic, but last year, not seeing our families or a lot of us, weren't seeing our families around Thanksgiving time. So this year might be the first time. People see some other family members and a really long time. And I think that is a breeding ground for comments of how people look, especially if they've changed over the last year or two years. So, Emily, can you leave us with some tips for, you know, if people are making comments on your body or, and also, I should say if you see a family member. If you, if you do immediately think, you know, you notice something about your, their body instead of commenting on that, like another comment you could say. Definitely. Yeah, I think we're all guilty of this. Definitely in our heads, we just want to make sure that those comments and thoughts kind of stay there and don't leave our mouth. You know, if you notice that someone's looking different in whatever way you deem it to be positive or negative just keeping that to yourself and instead inquiring how they're actually feeling and doing. Maybe you're seeing a family member that has lost a ton of weight and your knee jerk reaction is to be like, oh my God, like you're looking so thin or you're looking so healthy or you're looking this and this and the problem. Even if that comment is well intentioned, it's still highlighting the body. And basically you're sending the message. Hey, your body's really important to me and thank God you're thin, then God, you're looking, what I believe is healthy. And so the, the comment can really do harm sometimes kind of inquiring about how the person's doing is going to fill that question that you have, you know, if you're asking after someone how they're doing, and then they say, oh, I'm so stressed, I can barely keep any food down at cetera. You know, that kind of information is what's going to help you relate to them and understand them more than if you were just to make an unsolicited body comment. And. And I think that in particular is so important. And I always think of, so I did this once. I, I, it was a friend and I CA I commented, she, I had noticed that it looked like she lost. And I had made a comment, something about like, oh, did you lose weight? You look great. And she was like, yes, I did lose weight. But I'm not great. Like, I'm horrible. Like I lost weight because I'm horrible. And I always think of that. And I'm so glad she told me, and we have that close relationship where she would, you know, just tell me how she was feeling, but especially. You know, maybe a family member that you're not as close with or, you know, a friend that you're not as close with. They're not going to lay that out and give you the opportunity to say, Oh, my God, I'm so sorry. You know, I, I did not, that's not the way it meant it. And I shouldn't have said that. you don't always get that chance. Yeah. And like you said, your intentions are so pure with it where you want to be like, oh, cool. Like this must be intentional. And we, as a society, value, fitness over everything else. And so it's just like, oh, well we automatically assume things are great. And sometimes, you know, we give that comment to someone and like you said, we don't have that opportunity to kind of walk it back and like be checked like that. And, you know, then we're just stuck, affirming. Someone's eating disorder or, you know, their stress response basically to a really tough situation. And so that's what, that's a really good point. And hold on. So, what should you say if someone makes a comment about you about your weight or your body? I've actually recently had someone make comments about my body And I don't really weigh myself very often. Not even because it's like super triggering to me or anything like that. I just don't like if I go to the doctor, I'll look at my weight, but it's just like, not something that I monitor. And I've had people both say like, oh, have you gained weight? And people say, oh, have you lost weight? And it's really awkward to respond to. And especially for me, I'm like, I don't know. I don't think so. You're like, Mmm. Should I be concerned about something? Yeah. Like, I guess I look different to you, but I don't, I don't know, like how should you respond to. Yeah. So there's a couple of ways that you can do it. If you're feeling already overwhelmed with your family on the holidays, would you very likely are you can just kind of ignore it and step away you can just kind of, you know, remove yourself from the situation, the supplies. Definitely. If you're coming up on a conversation where people are discussing diets or discussing weight, whatever, if it's possible, you can just remove yourself, right? You don't need to be like, I'm the advocate for anti diet culture and the advocate for Intuitive eating or healthy relationship with your body all the time. Right? You don't need to carry that weight at the holidays. I don't even feel like that. And it's my literal job. You're not always in a place where you're able to advocate in that way. So that's kind of option one is ignoring it. Option two is letting them know, Hey, I'm not really focusing on my body and how it looks right now. I'm much more focused on how I feel. How are you doing lately? Right. Or just letting them know that. I'm not comfortable talking about that. I don't want to talk about that. Oh, actually, let's bring something else up and then changing the subject in that way. So really, it just depends on how clear of boundaries you want to draw. The clear, the better always, you know, I just don't know how realistic it is. So I wanted to give you kind of a few, few different options in case you don't want to like start a fight at your holiday table, but hopefully people will just respect what you have to say and move on. And if they don't, then maybe you send them some resources. Like this podcast their way, and they can spend some time educating themselves that you don't have to carry that burden. And if you are a dietician listening to this podcast, as you go into Thanksgiving dinner gods. Godspeed. to you. And if you have a dietician coming to your Thanksgiving dinner, please leave us alone. Yes, Like, please. don't look at our plate and try to build your plate off of ours or ask us anything. Work-related please remember that we do love nutrition, but it's a holiday for us too, and it's our job. So we might just not want to talk about food for one day and we just want to enjoy. On that note, happy Thanksgiving to all of our listeners. And we will see you next week to do a deep dive into the body comment topic. And please reach out to us if you had a tough Thanksgiving dinner and you need some advice, we're here for you. Absolutely.